Saturday, September 7, 2024
DUI leader Ali Ahmeti has received an invitation to appear in the role of witness at the Hague-based Kosovo Specialist Prosecutor’s Office charged with investigating war crimes. The Internet portal Insiders finds out that Ahmeti received the invitation before the elections, which he used as an argument to delay his...
Deputy PM for European Affairs and chief negotiator with the EUBujarOsmanimet Wednesday with Samuel Žbogar, Head of the EU Delegation in the country. The meeting focused on the recent elections and the post-electoral developments for the purpose of political stability of the country and the coming start of EU accession...
Thee Medzitlija and Doirani border crossings between Macedonia and Greece are closed for passenger and freight transport as of Wednesday at midnight until August 4 as a result of the new protocols of the Greek government for COVID-19 restrictive measures. “All passenger and freight vehicles planning to enter and exit...
The Administrative Court scheduled a session on Wednesday over the 75 lawsuits submitted by Alternativa and the Alliance for Albanians for irregularities in the just concluded snap parliamentary elections. The Integra party also filed a lawsuit with the Administrative Court. The Administrative informs that for the holding of public sessions...
VMRO-DPMNE is the first political party in the Balkans that limits the number of mandates of senior party officialsby statute, and this restriction also applies to the leader of the party, said PanceToshkovski,chairman of the party's statutory commission answering journalists' questions after the session of the highest party body...
The Alliance for Albanians and Alternativa next week will organize a march to protest against vote rigging and ballot stuffing, ArbenTaravari, secretary general of the Alliance for Albanians, said Tuesday. The protesters next Monday will march from the Skopje settlement of Chair to the EU Delegation’s office before gathering in...
Deputy PM and Defence Minister RadmilaShekerinska, Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov and BojanMarichikj, national EU integration coordinator, had Tuesday a meeting with EU Ambassador Samuel Žbogar and US Ambassador Kate Byrnes to discuss election results. They concluded that last week’s elections were organized successfully all the while confirming the European and...
DUI leader Ali Ahmetisaid in an interview with Kosovo T7 TV that after the parliamentary elections in Macedonia, in which his party won 15 MP seats, the next prime minister of the country should be an ethnic Albanian, i.e. DUI’s candidate NaserZiberi. In his interview with T7's "Pressing" show, Ahmeti...
The coronavirus is gaining momentum in our country as the authorities come to terms with the situation and do not move a finger. Dr. Igor Nikolov says that the number of newly infected people actually reflects the way we fight and deal with the coronavirus epidemic. In Macedonia since the...
Negotiations over the formation of a new government will kick off after Ilinden (Aug. 2). The numbers are very clear – SDSM and the “We Can” coalition in last week’s elections won most seats and it’s crystal clear who has secured the mandate to form a government, SDSM leader...