Friday, July 26, 2024
At the proposal of the Ministry of Health, the Government on Friday amended the Decision regarding the recommendations related to the high weather temperatures adopted on Wednesday, with which the recommendation for the release from work obligations of vulnerable groups of citizens, including pregnant women and people over 60...
In the latest Freedom House report entitled "Freedom in the World 2023", Macedonia has an annual freedom index of 68 out of a possible hundred points. The ranking represents an improvement of one index point compared to last year, and the country is in the group of "partly free" countries.
The cultural and informational centers in Skopje and Sofia are the means of exchange of cultural and other information between the two sides. However, citizens have the right to associate, but in the spirit of friendship. The Law on Associations that was passed in the Macedonian Parliament aims to...
New guidelines, measures and plans for dealing with cyber threats are in force, according to which measures will be taken after a risk assessment, but without disrupting the educational process in schools. Investigative actions are taken for every tip that arrives, and there is already knowledge that some of...
An open letter from investors to the Government for faster approval of the decision to build a Technology Park in Skopje. They say that every day is important for the investment that should bring development to the entire region. "The economic effect will be great. Educational and entertaining are no less...
At an event Saturday in Skopje, the party’s bodies were elected, and Skender Rexhepi was chosen as the leader of People’s Movement. “’People’s Movement’ – a good beginning of our political journey, a journey that will enable us to maintain the direction that we began much earlier, but now with...
Police and customs officials from the Balkans, including those at the Skopje airport, wage a daily "battle" with risks and criminal networks for smuggling and illegal trade. The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (GI-TOC) published the report which analyzes the trends and hotspots of organized crime in the...
The Directorate for Financial Police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs entered and searched the Public Enterprise "Vodovod I Kanalizacija (Water Supply and Sewerage)" - Skopje, confirmed the Basic Public Prosecutor's Office (PPO), as well as the Public Enterprise. The Public Prosecutor's Office says that the public prosecutor has been...
A terrorist group that was convicted for the events in the Kumanovo settlement DivoNaselje must serve its sentence and bear responsibility, said the Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski, answering a question about the request from neighboring Kosovo for the extradition of those convicted in the DivoNaselje case. “It is not...
The assessment mission that Brussels sends to us to check the work of the Judicial Council will be composed of experts who have already been in these or similar bodies in EU member states. But whether her mission will be successful or not, it still depends on the domestic...