Monday, May 6, 2024
I must say that instant means that even a bag of soup is not good enough, let alone a reform. When we talk about reforms, it means we are talking about something to be founded from the beginning, literally and I think that is why a really thorough approach...
This is the way this non-transparent and criminal government works. The Parliament works in the same way in the late evening hours. Although they did not inform us about the resumption of the session after 6 pm according to the Rules of Procedure, we remain with active filibustering to...
The data on smoking in Macedonia is alarming, which becomes the leading country in the number of smokers in the region and in Europe, and is among the ten worst countries in the world that have to most smokers. Half of the Macedonian population smokes, on average 20 cigarettes a...
The Macedonian Biological Society (MBD), the Union of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia (SHTM) and the Society of Physicists of Macedonia (DFRM), in a letter to the Minister of Education and Science, Mila Carovska, say that they support reforms in education in science, but that experts should be involved...
Prime Minister Zoran Zaev did not react at all to the insulting statements coming from Sofia, as well as to the claims of the opposition in Macedonia, because he negotiated business deals with the Bulgarian authorities, and at the same time the country lost three years in joining the...
That day and the weeks before, the people self-organized and protested, and when I could, I attended those protests as well, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski said after the hearing in the “April 27” case, where he was called to testify. Mickoski told the reporters that he supported the protests against...
VMRO-DPMNE leader Hrisitjan Mickoski testified Friday over the April 27, 2017 events in Parliament. He was a member of the party's Executive Committee in 2016 and 2017 and later the party’s Secretary General. Mickoski explained that defendants Mile Janakieski and Spiro Ristovski were in no way related to the protests...
The end of the year is the period when the president of the country, based on his constitutional powers, has the opportunity to amnesty persons serving prison sentences for various reasons, while the amnesty is made on the basis of applicable laws and the whole procedure is implements through...
There will be no reconstruction of the fivefold murder near Smilkovo Lake. This is what the Criminal Court in Skopje decided today, explaining that the place has been changed. The defense of the defendants pointed out that this is the seventh time that the court has rejected this proposal....
Bojan Jovanovski - Boki 13 has filed new criminal charges Thursday at the Basic Public Prosecutor's Office - Skopje. According to the information given by his lawyer Sashko Dukovski, today he filed six criminal charges against several people. "Due to the fact that this is a pre-investigation and only the...