Saturday, May 18, 2024
Our political elite has turned quiet over the agreement with Bulgaria and went to another process, i.e. that they are some negotiations that if presented to the public will damage the secrecy of the process and to this day it is so that we do not know what is...
This is what the shame of the government's lies looks like, they have once again been convicted of slandering, the leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski said in a Facebook post. “This is how the shame for ruling parties’ lying looks. On the great Christian holiday of Prochka (Forgiveness), they started...
Following the decision of the Trade Union for Education, Science and Culture (SONK) to put the strike on hold Friday afternoon in front of the headquarters of SONK, members of the union gathered last night expressing dissatisfaction with the latest decision. They say they are very surprised by the decision...
The Court should act immediately according to Art. 40 of the Law on non-litigation procedure, which states that the procedure for revocation of business capacity is urgent and to start the procedure for revocation of the business capacity of the deserter Kovachevski, pointed out Dragan Kovachki, MP and member...
Ali Ahmeti himself is aware that his political career is coming to an end, and he will be remembered by the people, that in addition to making DUI a criminal organization, he also involved his family in these black affairs, and some of the many examples are his son Shkumbin and his...
A decision will be made by the end of the week whether the classes in the second half of February 1 will start with in-person or online lessons, and the Ministry of Education and Science will have meetings with health officials, announced today the Minister of Education and Science...
The meeting of Prime Minister and SDSM leader Dimitar Kovachevski with the leaders of the other political parties is underway in the Parliament, where the EU path of the country should be discussed, as well as the decisions that should be made in the future with a broad...
  First of all, you will allow me to express my great satisfaction for what I saw here today in the municipality of Jegunovce. We had the opportunity to talk with the mayor of the municipality of Jegunovce about the current projects, but also what has already been completed, such...
The largest and most important political entity of the Bosniak community in Macedonia, the Bosniak Democratic Union (BDS), has expressed doubts about the regularity of the census results. "The Bosniak Democratic Union as a political party at the beginning of the census process expressed doubts about the correctness of the...
The French proposal will go directly to the plenary session, but it is not yet known exactly when it will find its way before the MPs. After the coordination of the parliamentary groups in the Parliament, Xhaferi'soffice announced that there is no procedural provision that allows the Speaker to...